The Super Extra mattress is made with high anatomical specifications consisting of springs, Foam, polycotton wadding, ecological knitted fabric, zipper, synthetic ketche and PLP jacquard.
Foam: Foam material of high resistance and selected density, completely healthy and harmless to humans and the environment, offers flexibility, elasticity and uniformity to the mattress.
Polycotton: Combination of suitable materials that allow proper ventilation of the mattress.
108 springs/m2 2.40mm thick
Perimeter foam support
1 sheet of white ketche
1 sheet of Foam
1 sheet of polycotton batting (polyester cotton)
PLP fabric
3 Year Warranty
Mattress height: 21cm.
The height of the mattress may have a deviation of +/- 1.5cm due to the nature of the materials.